119 ministries

What Was the Mixed Multitude?

Freedom of Speech in the Bible

Enslaved to Sabbaths and Festivals? (Galatians 4:8-11)

Did Christ Abolish the Law of Moses? (Ephesians 2:15)

How Christianity Went from Sabbath to Sunday

Should Christians Keep the Bible’s Food Laws?

What is the Law of Christ? (Galatians 6:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21) - 119 Ministries

Is the Sabbath Commanded in the New Testament? - 119 Ministries

The Mo’edim Series - Sukkot | Should Christians keep the Feast of Tabernacles?

No Law, No Love - 119 Ministries

The Mo’edim - Yom Kippur - 119 Ministries

No Pleasure on the Sabbath — Isaiah 58 - 119 Ministries

The Mo’edim: Yom Teruah

Malachi: Remember the Law of Moses | Minor Prophets, Major Messages

Tzitzits - Frequently Asked Questions

Pig Science - 119 Ministries

What is the Mark of the Beast? - 119 Ministries

Zechariah: YHWH Has Remembered | Minor Prophets, Major Messages

No Fire on the Sabbath? - 119 Ministries

The Sabbath: A Day of Healing - 119 Ministries

Answering Your Questions(Paul’s Name, Hunting & Fishing, Dancing, Call No Man Teacher, etc.)

Grafted In - 119 Ministries

Torah Terminology: Should We Use the Word “Church”?

Setting the Record Straight: Paul and the Law of Moses (Acts 21:17-26)